Brian Broom Blog: Backyard bird feeders illegal in Mississippi?

Brian Broom
The Clarion-Ledger
Are backyard bird feeders illegal in Mississippi?

New regulations passed last week by the Commission on Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks appear to have an unintended effect that makes feeding birds illegal.

The commission passed new regulations on supplemental feeding, which is exactly what it sounds like. It is feeding wild animals, generally deer, to supplement their natural diet.

It is not baiting because hunters cannot hunt over or in sight of the food.

The complications started when the following exception to supplemental feeding regulations near homes was removed.

"Feeders within the curtilage of the home. "Curtilage of the home" means the area encompassing the grounds immediately surrounding any home or group of homes used in the daily activities of domestic life, and may or may not be enclosed by a fence or other barrier."

Basically, that exception allowed residents to feed wildlife whatever they wanted and whenever, so long as it was in their yard.

The next change also played a role.

Under the previous regulations, supplemental feeding was only only directed at white-tailed deer and was stated as being so. In the recently passed version, it was expanded to include all wildlife.

"It shall be unlawful to feed any wild animals except as provided in this rule."

Under the rules, wildlife feeders must be covered and above ground or a stationary spin cast feeder.

That in itself isn't really an issue. Most bird feeders are covered and above ground, therefore meeting the specifications.

But another rule is a sticking point for the average resident who likes to feed birds.

"Feeders may be placed no closer than 100 yards from the outermost boundary of an area of sole ownership or exclusive hunting rights."

So, when you put it all together, feeding song birds is now a violation for most Mississippi residents. Unless, of course, you happen to have a really big yard that allows you to place a bird feeder 100 yards from any surrounding property lines.

I called Chad Dacus, MDWFP's Wildlife Bureau Director, and he agreed that the language seems problematic for backyard birders. He assured me that preventing the feeding of birds in yards was in no way the intent of of the new regulations and it would be reviewed.

Commission chairman Bryan Jones also confirmed that the new language included bird feeders, but like Dacus, said it was an oversight and would be corrected.

In the mean time, you can still keep feeding the cardinals and bluejays in your yard without fear - it's unlikely you'll get a citation for it.

Contact Brian Broom at (601) 961-7225 or bbroom@jackson.gannett.com. Follow The Clarion-Ledger Outdoors on Facebook, @BrianBroom on Twitter and clarionledgeroutdoors on Instagram.