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Endorsement: Hillary Clinton for Democrats

The Clarion-Ledger
The Clarion-Ledger

That there is still a Democratic primary fight raging befuddles us, not because anyone should step aside for Hillary Clinton but because the man still challenging her is a self-professed socialist running for president of the United States.

While socialist ideas are certainly welcome in our country, they are welcome because of the freedom granted precisely by the democracy on which our country was built. Therefore, supporting someone who professes so many socialist ideas would require us having an option far worse, perhaps a narcissist whose disrespect of constitutional principles are evident in just about everything he says. That would be a difficult decision, indeed.

But thankfully, we do not have that problem. In Clinton we have a former first lady, U.S. senator and secretary of state who is more than capable of the job she seeks.

Endorsement: John Kasich for Republicans

Clinton has a strong record of centrist politics. It's this centrist approach that has given rise to a primary challenge from Sen. Bernie Sanders, who is far to Clinton's left on most issues. Of course, Sanders' focus on economic and social equality is resonating for a reason. We currently have one of the worst wealth divides our nation has ever seen. Clinton's approach, however, is more reasonable, more affordable and — quite honestly — more likely to be adopted.

Clinton also possesses a solid grasp on foreign policy. Her work as secretary of state helped repair a number of international relationships. Her time was marred by the events in Benghazi. While her opponents continue to accuse her of everything from not paying attention to a troubled area to covering up some sort of monumental U.S. mistake, Clinton's role in the attacks that killed U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith have been cleared by seven congressional commissions and one State Department investigation, the latter made up of military and intelligence leaders.

Of course, Clinton is no stranger to controversy. Part of that dates back to her role as first lady, when President Bill Clinton was a lightening rod of political controversy, much of his own making. But part of it just comes with the political terrain. Popular political leaders become popular targets for the political opposition. Clinton has been popular, outspoken and successful over her career, and thus she has faced much political opposition.

However, it would be entirely naive and a complete disservice to blame attacks on Clinton as the result of her popularity or success. In many instances, she is as much if not more to blame for those attacks than her opponents.

Clinton's handling of the controversy over using a personal email server for official State Department email is a prime example. She was less than forthcoming with details surrounding the issue. To say that she has a trust deficit with the American people would be putting it politely. While that is an image gleefully perpetuated by Republicans, their success in perpetuating it is in part because Clinton herself has, over the years, given them plenty of instances to use as examples.

Clinton bridges a great political divide, from a time when all politics was local to today, when all politics is global thanks to the Internet, social media, fact-checking sites and constant opposition. While she and her husband have always had a political machine praised for its rapid response operation, nothing can withstand the instant response of today's political playing field. Little white lies — not to mention great big deceptions — no longer simply go unnoticed on the campaign trail or brought to light in only small corners of the country.

Nevertheless, Clinton is not the lying, completely untrustworthy politician her opponents — including Sanders at times — make her out to be. She is an intelligent, successful, passionate woman who brings a lifetime of personal and professional experiences that would serve her well as president. She is not an idealist, but a pragmatist who is dedicated to fighting for her principles while understanding that compromise is the bedrock of our republic government. It is an approach to leadership sadly missing today, and we feel she would help restore it as president.

We wholeheartedly endorse Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination for president.